Close up of Dark chocolate and chili brownies. In front of them is a wedge of lime and chili. It is served on a wooden board

Dark chocolate, chilli and lime brownies

Written by: Seasoned Greetings



Time to read 2 min

Dark chocolate, chilli and lime brownies are a unique and adventurous twist on the classic chocolate treat, perfect for those who enjoy a combination of bold flavors.

These brownies boast a rich, fudgy texture made from high-quality dark chocolate, offering a deep, intense cocoa flavor. The addition of chili powder introduces a subtle, lingering heat that contrasts beautifully with the sweetness of the chocolate, creating a complex taste.

To elevate this further, a hint of fresh lime zest is incorporated into the batter, providing a refreshing citrus that cuts through the richness and complements the spice.

The idea of combining chocolate and chilli can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica. The Aztecs and Mayans consumed a drink made from cacao mixed with spices, including chilli peppers. This drink was often bitter and spicy, quite different from the sweetened chocolate we know today.

The natural bitterness of chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is perfectly balanced by the heat and subtle sweetness of chili peppers, creating a complex and satisfying flavor profile to the brownies. Both chocolate and chili offer rich, layered tastes; chocolate often features notes of fruit, nuts, and earthiness, while chili peppers can bring smokiness, fruitiness, and varying degrees of heat. This interplay enhances the overall taste experience.

The tartness of lime provides a sharp contrast to the rich sweetness of chocolate. The acidity and bitterness is particularly effective with dark chocolate, where lime’s zesty flavor cuts through the intense cocoa notes, achieving a balanced and refreshing taste.

close up of dark chocolate, chili and lime brownies

Prep time

15 min

Cook time

25 min


8 pers




United Kingdom


  • 200g 70% cocoa dark chocolate
  • 250g butter
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 70g plain flour
  • 60g cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • finely grated zest of 1 lime
  • 1/2 tsp Seasoned Greetings Chilli seasoning
Top down view of the ingredients to make fudgy dark chocolate, chili and lime brownies


Step 1

To make the brownies, first grease and line a rectangular baking tin with baking paper.

Preheat oven to 180°C

Step 2

Roughly break or chop the chocolate and place into a heat-proof bowl. Place bowl of slowly simmering water to melt the chocolate. Stir every minute.

Step 3

Whisk the butter and sugar together for 1 minute to make a fluffy mixture.

Whisk in the eggs for 4 minutes to make a smooth paste

Step 4

Fold in the melted chocolate, 3/4 of the lime zest and sift in the flour and cocoa powder stirring until evenly mixed.

Step 6

Add 1/2 tsp off Seasoned Greetings Chilli seasoning and a pinch of salt to the brownie mix, stirring in.

Step 7

Add the brownie mixture into the baking tin and bake for 25-30 mins. To check when they are done, insert a thin skewer into the center of the brownies. If it comes out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it, the brownies are done. If it comes out with wet batter, they need more time.

When cooked remove the brownies from the oven and allow to cool for at least 1 hour before removing from the tin. 

Don't worry if the brownies still seem a little soft. They will continue to cook out of the oven.

Step 8

Finish with the remaining lime zest and chop into squares.

Note: Before baking the brownie mix, you can also add buts to your brownie mix. Adding nuts to brownies can elevate this classic dessert by introducing a contrast in texture and flavor. The crunchiness of nuts, such as walnuts, pecans, or almonds, provides a satisfying bite that complements the dense, fudgy consistency of the brownie. Nuts also bring their own distinct, earthy flavors, which can enhance the richness of the chocolate.